Bylaws & Administrative Policy 


Adopted and Effective as of September 24th, 2020

Note: The masculine pronouns "he" and "his" may represent male or female gender.

The name of this organization shall be the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants Inc., herein referred to as the “Academy”.

The principal office of the corporation is located in Washtenaw County, State of Michigan.

The principal office of the Academy will be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

The Academy may also have offices at such other places, within or without its state of incorporation, where it is qualified to do business, as its business and activities may require, and as the Board of Directors may, from time to time, designate.

The Academy is a constituent chapter of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (the “AAPA”). The Academy is organized and shall be operated for philanthropic, educational and scientific purposes and such other terms as its members desire. In furtherance of these purposes, through appropriate
mechanisms, the Academy shall:

  1. Represent physician assistants and student physician assistants in order to maximize the benefit of their services to the public and their stakeholders;

  2. Encourage its membership to render quality services to the health profession and the general public;

  3. Encourage its membership to abide by the AAPA code of ethical conduct;

  4. Develop, sponsor, and evaluate continuing medical education programs for physician assistants;

  5. Be proactive in the continuing development of the physician assistant role;

  6. Develop, coordinate, and participate in studies having an impact, direct or indirect, on the physician assistant profession;

  7. Serve as a public information center with respect to its members, health professions, government agencies, and the general public;

  8. Represent its members in matters of legislation in order to maintain and further develop the practice of the profession;

  9. Assist its members in developing awareness and proficiency in diversity issues; and

  10. Provide education and direction to its members with legal and impairment issues.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the Academy shall exercise its powers, rights and privileges, whether conferred by this instrument, or by the laws of the State of Michigan, or otherwise, only in furtherance of its educational and scientific purposes.

100.04.01 GENERAL
Membership in the Academy shall consist of individuals who meet the requirements for membership as herein defined. No member shall hold more than one membership in the Academy. There is no limit on the number of members the Academy may admit. A record of current members will be kept at the principal office. A member of this Academy is not, as such, personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the Academy. No member may transfer a membership or any right arising therefrom. All rights of membership cease upon the member's death or termination of membership.

Membership in the Academy shall consist of (a) Fellow Members, (b) Associate Members, (c) Student Members, (d) Honorary Members, (e) Affiliate Members, and (f) such other members as may be recognized by the Board of Directors.

A fellow member shall be a physician assistant who is a graduate of an accredited educational program and/or who is certified by an agency recognized by the Board of Directors. Fellow members shall have full voting rights and shall be eligible to hold office. Fellow members shall be required to pay dues annually unless dues are waived on an annual basis by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

An associate member shall be a physician assistant who is a graduate of an accredited educational program and/or who is certified by an agency recognized by the Board of Directors, but who resides out of state, is retired or otherwise inactive from clinical practice. Associate members shall be required to pay annual dues and are entitled to the privileges of the floor, but shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office.

A student member is an individual who is enrolled in a physician assistant program approved by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant or successor agency accredited or provisionally approved physician assistant program. They shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, nor chair committees except as provided in the Administrative Policy. A student Advisory Committee shall represent the concerns of students as defined in Policy. Student members shall be required to pay dues.

Honorary membership may be conferred upon persons who have rendered distinguished service to the physician assistant profession in Michigan, upon the recommendation and vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Academy with the exception of voting, holding office and/or chairing committees. They shall be exempt from the payment of dues.

Affiliate members shall consist of individuals who do not qualify for any other membership category. Affiliate members shall be entitled to the privileges of the floor, but shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office. Affiliate members shall be required to pay annual dues.

All applications for membership shall be in writing or electronic in an application format approved by the Board of Directors. Membership shall become effective immediately upon approval of application and payment of dues. There shall be issued to each member a certification of membership in such form as may be determined by the Board of Directors; title to such certification remains at all times with the Academy.

Any member who is under sentence of suspension or expulsion pursuant to Article X of these Bylaws shall not be entitled to any of the rights or benefits of this Academy or be permitted to take part in any of the proceedings until the member has been reinstated.

Membership in the Academy shall not be based on gender, color, creed, race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnic origin.

100.05.01 RULES
The elections committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall establish all rules and regulations governing the elections.

100.05.02 BALLOTS
The Elections Committee shall direct the Academy administrator to distribute an electronic ballot at the opening of the election on May 1 of each year. Any eligible member is entitled to one vote, via paper ballot or electronic ballot on each matter properly submitted to a vote by the members. A paper ballot may be made available to members upon written request.

100.05.03 DEADLINES
Self declaration of candidacy for any office in the Academy must precede the preparation of ballots according to elections policy. The elections shall occur no later than June 15 of each year.


  1. Self-declaration will be permitted in the election of Officers

  2. Declaration must be in writing addressed to the Nominating Committee c/o the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants at the current Academy mailing address.

  3. A candidate may declare for only one office.

Fellow members in good standing shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cast a vote.

100.06.01 DIRECTORS
There shall be eleven (11) directors with voting privileges (the “Directors”). In addition to the five Officers below, there shall be one director elected from each of the State's six regions. These Directors are Fellows whose term of office shall be for two (2) year periods. The Directors from Regions I, III and V shall be elected in the odd numbered years and the directors from Regions II, IV and VI shall be elected in even numbered years. Each Director must either work or live in close proximity to the region that he will represent. These regions will be determined by the Board. Student representatives, elected by their peers, one from each Michigan physician assistant program, will be advisory members of the Board and have privileges as outlined in Policy.

100.06.02 TERM OF OFFICE
The term of office for Officers and Directors, shall begin on July 1 to coincide with the beginning of the Academy's fiscal year. 

100.06.03 DUTIES
It shall be the duty of the Directors to:

  1. Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law or by these Bylaws;

  2. Appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws prescribe the duties and fix the compensation, if any, of all Officers, agents and employees of the Academy;

  3. Supervise all Officers, agents and employees of the Academy to assure that their duties are performed properly;

  4. Meet at such times and places as required by these Bylaws; and

  5. Register their addresses, residential and/or email, with the Secretary of the Academy and/or the management company employed by the Academy. Notices of meetings mailed or emailed to them at such addresses shall be valid notices thereof.

100.06.04 POWERS
Without prejudice to the powers confirmed by statute, by the Articles of Incorporation, and by these Bylaws, the Directors of the Academy shall be responsible for the setting of policies concerning the property, business and affairs of the Academy. It is expressly declared that only the Board of Directors shall have the following powers and these powers shall not be delegated:

  1. To appoint or remove pursuant to the affirmative vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of its entire membership of Directors, an Executive Director pursuant to Article XI, to fix and alter the amount of his compensation, and to prescribe his tenure in office;

  2. To alter these Bylaws (except by a vote of members as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws)

  3. To order disposal of property or assets;

  4. To recommend dissolution or revocation of dissolution;

  5. To fill board vacancies; and

  6. To terminate memberships.

Directors shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall exist on the death, resignation or removal of any Director. Any Director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the President, the Secretary, or the Board of Directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation. No Director may resign if the Academy would then be left without a duly elected director or directors in charge of its affairs, except upon notice to the Office of the Attorney General of Michigan or other appropriate agency of the State of Michigan.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-elect shall become the President to serve the unexpired term and shall serve his own, the successive term, as President.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President-elect, the Secretary shall assume the duties, but not the office of the President-elect. A general membership election will be held within ninety (90) days of said vacancy for the purpose of electing a new President-elect.

All other vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors shall be filled for the unexpired terms by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors or by a sole remaining Director. A person elected to fill a vacancy on the board shall hold office until the next election of the Board of Directors or until his death, resignation or removal from office.

Directors may be removed from office, with cause, as permitted by and in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, these Bylaws, and Sturgis: Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.

The Directors and Officers of the Academy shall be indemnified as of right to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted by law in connection with any actual or threatened civil, criminal, administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding (whether brought by or in the name of the Academy, a subsidiary or otherwise) in which a Director or Officer is a witness or which is brought against a Director or Officer in his or her capacity as a Director or Officer of the Academy or of any corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise which the Director or Officer was serving at the request of the Academy. Persons who are not Directors or Officers of the Academy may be similarly indemnified in respect of such service to the extent authorized at any time by the Board of Directors.

The Academy may purchase and maintain insurance to protect itself and any such Director, Officer or other person against any liability asserted against him or her and incurred in respect of such service whether or not the Academy would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability by law or under the provisions of this section.

The provisions of this section shall be applicable to actions, suits or proceedings, whether arising from acts or omissions, and to Directors, Officers, and other persons who have ceased to render such service, and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, executors and administrators of the Directors, Officers and other persons referred to in this section.

The right of indemnity provided pursuant to this section shall not be exclusive, and the Academy may provide indemnification to any person, by agreement or otherwise, on such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may approve that are not inconsistent with the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act (or other law). Any agreement for indemnification of any Director, Officer or other person may provide indemnification rights which are broader or otherwise different from those set forth in, or provided pursuant to, or in accordance with, this section. Any amendment, alteration, modification, repeal or adoption of any provision in these Bylaws inconsistent with this section shall not adversely affect any indemnification right or protection of any Director, Officer or other person existing at the time of such amendment, alteration, modification, repeal or adoption.

The Board of Directors shall hold meetings at such time and at such places as shall be designated by the President but in no event shall there be less than three (3) such meetings in any calendar year and an absolute majority of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting business; unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, an affirmative vote by a majority of the Board members present shall constitute action of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors has the authority to hold meetings by conference call or other remote means as long as all participants can hear each other and participate simultaneously. Such communication requires that the names of all participants are divulged to all participants.

Any Director failing to attend two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors, or failing to attend meetings in their entirety without good reason, shall, at the option of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors of the Board, surrender his membership on said Board.

Special meetings shall be called by the Secretary at the request of the President or upon written request to the President of at least ten percent (10%) of the members of the Academy or of a quorum of the full Board. The object of such special meetings shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted unless moved and approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the Directors and members present.

Notification of regular and special meetings may be conducted by electronic means.

The Board of Directors may approve items without a meeting and through electronic means as long as any decisions made by this method are unanimously consented to by all Board members. Such decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the subsequent Board meeting.

The officers of the Academy shall be a President, a President-elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President (each, an “Officer” and collectively, the “Officers”)

The President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the fellow membership at the annual elections of the Academy. Each Officer shall hold office until the Officer resigns or is removed or is otherwise disqualified to serve, or until their successor shall be elected and qualified, whichever occurs first. The term of office for President and President-elect shall be one (1) year, effective for the term of office beginning July 1, 1996. The term of office for the Secretary and Treasurer shall be two (2) year terms. The term of office for Secretary shall begin in odd-numbered years and the term of office for Treasurer shall begin in even-numbered years.


  1. The President shall be the chief executive officer of Academy and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of the Academy and the activities of the Officers. The President shall perform all duties incident to the office and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all meetings of the members, assuring the integrity of governance. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by the Bylaws, the President shall, in the name of the Academy, execute such deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, checks, or other instruments which may from time to time be authorized by the Board of Directors.

    The President shall make a full report of the year's activities at the annual meeting of the Academy. The President shall appoint all committees of the Board of Directors (except the Executive Committee) and shall designate the Chairman thereof, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall report on the activities of the Executive Committee at each Board of Directors meetings. The President shall also be responsible for notifying the Board of Directors between regular meetings of information which is of an urgent nature which may require Board action.

  2. In the absence of the President, or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the President-elect shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to, all the restrictions on the President. The President-elect shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President's term or earlier should that office become vacant for any reason. The President-elect will organize and conduct, with the assistance of the elections committee, all elections. The President-elect shall also have other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by the Board of Directors.

  3. The Secretary shall:
    Certify and keep or cause to be kept, at the principal office of the Academy the original, or a copy, whether such copy is in an electronic or hard copy form, of these Bylaws as amended or otherwise altered to date, available upon demand for review by members or an agency of the State of Michigan or the United States Government.

    Keep or cause to be kept, at the principal office of the Academy and at such other place(s) as the Board may determine, a record of minutes of all meetings of the Directors, and, if applicable, meetings of committees of Directors and of members, recording therein the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, how called, how notice thereof was given, the names of those present or represented at the meeting, and the proceedings thereof.

    See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law.

    Be custodian of the records as authorized by law or the provisions of these Bylaws, to duly executed documents of the Academy.

    Keep or cause to be kept, at the principal office of the Academy a membership record containing the name and address of each member, and, in the case where any membership has been
    terminated, the Secretary shall record or cause to be recorded, such fact in the membership record together with the date on which such membership ceased. Exhibit at all reasonable times to any Director of the Academy, or his agent or attorney, on request thereof, the Bylaws, the membership record, and the minutes of the proceedings of the Directors of the Academy.

    In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these Bylaws, or which may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Directors.

  4. The Treasurer shall assume the following duties:
    Assume responsibility for adequate and proper accounts of the properties and business transactions of the Academy.

    Cause the filing of the IRS Form 990 on a timely basis.

    Provide a copy of the IRS Form 990 to the Board of Directors for their review.

    Give a complete financial report at the annual meeting to the membership.

    Deposit or cause to be deposited all monies and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the Academy with such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors.

    Disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds of the Academy as may be ordered by the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.

    Exhibit at all reasonable times the books of account and financial records to any Director of the Academy, or to his agent or attorney, on request thereof.

    Render to the Board of Directors, whenever requested, an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial conditions of the Academy.

    Prepare, or cause to be prepared, and certify, or cause to be certified, the financial statements to be included in any required reports.

    In general, have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, these Bylaws, or the Articles of Incorporation.

  5. The Immediate Past President shall:
    Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

Officers shall serve without compensation except that for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and the Executive Director. Only elected officers shall have voting privileges.

The Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year, at a place and time decided by the Committee. Place and time of such meetings is available to any Board member by contacting the President. Other Directors may be invited to attend any or all Executive Committee meetings, but are otherwise not required to do so.

The duties of the Executive Committee are to apply the policies established by the Board of Directors in the business of the Academy. These may include, but are not limited to: communication with members, the public, other professional associations, and the government; short term financial decisions; and urgent and emergency matters.

The Executive Committee shall not purchase or dispose of property or assets, recommend dissolution or revocation of dissolution, fill board vacancies, fix Director compensation, or terminate memberships in the name of the Academy without the express approval of the Board of Directors.

By a majority vote of its members, the Board may at any time revoke or modify any or all of the Executive Committee authority so delegated, and fill vacancies on the Executive Committee from the members of the board.

The Executive Committee shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings, cause them to be filed with the Academy records, and report the same to the Board from time to time as the Board may require.

100.09.02 COMMITTEES
Committees shall be designated by the Board of Directors or established by the President with the consent of the Board of Directors. These committees may consist of persons who are not also members of the Board and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Board.

The President shall seek the advice and counsel of the Executive Committee for appointments or terminations of committee chairs or members when a delay of more than fourteen days (14) will occur before a Board of Directors meeting.

Each committee shall be responsible for the performance of the duties and functions delegated to it by the Board of Directors or the President. Disagreement between a committee and the President shall be resolved by appeal to the Executive Committee, whose decision stands until the next Board of Directors meeting.

In event of no appointment being made of a committee chair, or of absence, i.e., death, illness, etc., a chairman may be selected by the committee from its own membership.

100.10.1: The Board of Directors shall be accountable for the internal judicial affairs of the Academy.

100.10.2: The Academy has the inherent right through the Board of Directors to discipline, suspend, or expel an Academy member.

100.10.3: Anyone may in good faith refer charges against any Academy member believed to have violated the Academy’s Articles, Bylaws, policies, or rules, or for unethical or unprofessional conduct, or for failure to uphold the Academy's principles or for acting in a manner inconsistent with the Academy’s purposes.

100.10.4: The Academy, after due notice and hearing, may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the sitting Board of Directors, discipline any member for a violation of the Academy’s Articles, Bylaws, policies, or rules, or for unethical or unprofessional conduct, or for failure to uphold the Academy's principles or for acting in a manner inconsistent with Academy’s purposes. The notice and hearing procedures for such disciplinary actions may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.

100.10.5: If any member has their physician assistant license or certification currently revoked as the result of a final adjudicated disciplinary action for violation of their professional practice statutes or regulations, then their membership in the Academy shall be automatically revoked. Any individual who has their physician assistant license or certification currently revoked as the result of a final adjudicated disciplinary action for violation of their professional practice statutes or regulations shall be ineligible to apply for membership in the Academy during the period of that revocation.

100.11.1 The Board of Directors shall have the authority to contract with an Executive Director and or an Association Management Company to act as administrative and business manager of the Academy. The Board shall negotiate duties and rights appropriate to the relationship selected. In no case shall the hired personnel have a vote in the meetings of the Board of Directors.

100.11.2 The Board of Directors shall review performance of this administrative contract on a regular basis.

Academy dues paying members shall have the following inspection rights, for a purpose reasonably related to such person's interest as a member:

Upon written request of a member, the Secretary of the Academy shall provide or cause to be provided, the IRS 990 tax forms filed, its balance sheet as at the end of the preceding fiscal year; its statement of income for such fiscal year; and, if prepared, its statement of source and application of funds for such fiscal year.

A person who is a member of record, upon at least 10 days' written demand to the Secretary of the Academy, may examine for any proper purpose in person or by agent or attorney, during usual business hours, the Academy’s minutes of meetings and record of members and make extracts there from, at the places where they are kept.

An annual meeting of the Academy’s membership shall be held at a date, time and location established by the Board of Directors, normally in the month of October. Notification of this meeting may be conducted through electronic means.

100.13.01 In the absence of any provisions to the contrary in the Bylaws, all meetings of the Academy shall be governed by the parliamentary rules and usages contained in the current edition of Sturgis: Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.

The amount of annual dues and assessments and manner of payment shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Bylaws of the Academy may be amended, altered, or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of either the voting members or the full Board of Directors provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given in writing to the members of said Board or to the members of the Academy at least thirty (30) days prior to the respective votes on the proposed amendment. These votes shall be cast either in person, by mail or by electronic means.

If the Academy must dissolve, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the Academy, the Board of Directors shall dispose of all remaining assets exclusively for purposes similar to the purpose of the Academy and to such organizations that qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.


Administrative Policies


200.01 Organization, Representation

200.01.01 Reaffirmation of qualification to be a MAPA fellow member:  In order to be a fellow member of MAPA you must meet the qualifications as stated in the bylaws 100.04.03

200.02 Policy Manual

200.02.01 Each board member and committee chair is to have a copy of MAPA’s Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Manual.

201.01 Duties and Responsibilities of Board Members

201.01.01 The Executive Committee, as defined in bylaws section 100.10.01, consists of the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and Executive Director.  The elected officers must be fellow members in good standing of MAPA and AAPA.

201.01.02 The Board of Directors may delegate the authority for negotiation of contracts to individual Board Members, Officers, or Executive Director. 

201.01.03  The members of the MAPA Executive Board must be in attendance for Executive Board Meetings in some capacity.  Officers, Committee Chairs, and BOD members are required to notify the President and/or Academy Administrator at least one week prior to a board meeting if they are unable to attend.  The minutes will reflect any violation of the above.

201.01.04 The Board will endorse and promote AAPA membership among MAPA fellows.

201.01.05 Emergency Vote. Actions that cannot wait until the next Board meeting will be approved by a telecommunications or electronic vote of Board members.  The motion will be made and seconded.  It will be the responsibility of the Secretary to collect and verify such a vote.  The results of said vote will be recorded in the minutes of the next Board meeting. 

201.02 President, Guidelines

201.02.01 General responsibilities

He or she shall:

  • Coordinate agendas for all Board of Directors Meetings
  • Preside over all business meetings of MAPA and its Board of Directors
  • Submit a written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting, as identified in the annual Board of Directors calendar.
  • Provide a written summary report of the year’s activities at least one week prior to the end of term with an account of the activities of the board for the past year
  • Mentor the President-elect
  • Keep membership informed of programs and of information pertinent to them through various means of communication
  • Keep abreast of changes within the constituent organization
  • Define and monitor the goals and objectives of MAPA
  • Write a “President’s Message” article for each edition of each MAPA newsletter
  • Submit all requested information from the AAPA, in a timely fashion
  • Uphold the MAPA’s policies and procedures
  • Accept and consider nominations for awards on the behalf of MAPA
  • Maintain membership as a fellow in good standing in both MAPA and AAPA

201.02.02 Committee Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Appoint all standing committee and ad hoc committee chairs with the approval of the Board of Directors
  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the Standing Committees and ad hoc committees
  •  In support of strategic directions, assign charges to Board of Directors Committees

201.02.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Represent MAPA with outside organizations and the media
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions
  • Attend applicable AAPA meetings
  • Attend Executive Board and Board Meetings

201.03 President-elect, Guidelines

201.03.01 In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President-elect, the Secretary shall assume the duties, but not the office of the President-elect.  A general membership election will be held within 90 days of said vacancy for the purpose of electing a new President-elect. 

201.03.02 General Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President’s term, or earlier if the office becomes vacant for any reason.
  • Submit a written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting, as identified in the annual Board of Directors calendar
  • Provide a written summary report at least one week prior to the end of term on the activities and accomplishments of the office and recommendations for the next year
  • Write a President-elect’s article for the MAPA newsletter, as requested
  • Seek new potential leaders and assist in leadership development
  • Serve as the regional representative coordinator
  • Maintain membership as a fellow in good standing in both MAPA and AAPA

201.03.03 Committee Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Serve as chair of the ad hoc committee to plan the annual MAPA fall leadership session
  • Assist in drafting the annual budget
  • In the absence of the President, the President-elect shall assume the duties of the President
  • Serve as the Board of Directors’ advisor to assigned committees
  • Participate in the CME event planning
  • Serve as Chair of Nominating and Elections Committees in the absence of appointed chairs for these committees

201.03.04 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend all Board of Directors’ meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions
  • Attend applicable AAPA meetings
  • Attend Executive Board Meetings

201.04 Secretary, Guidelines

201.04.01 The secretary will ensure that updated and permanent records are kept on all formal activities.

201.04.02 Drafts of the minutes of Board meetings should be submitted to the Secretary, if possible, within one week following the meeting when the minutes are taken by someone other than the Secretary. 

201.04.03 The Secretary shall regularly update the Bylaws and Administrative Policies as they are modified and cause the updated and corrected sections to be available to the administrator of the management organization for inclusion in Bylaws and Policies.

 201.04.04 The Secretary shall be designated the Board of Directors’ Parliamentarian and serve the Board of Directors as an advisor for proper compliance to parliamentary procedure according to the current edition of Sturgis’ Rules of Order.

 201.04.05 General Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Review and amend the minutes of the Board meetings
  • Submit a written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting, as identified in the annual Board of Directors calendar
  • Attest the signatures of the officers of MAPA     
  • Fulfill duties as described in MAPA Bylaws and Administrative policy
  • Assist other Board Members as directed by the President
  • Oversee communication, meeting notices, membership notices, and distribution of minutes as prepared by Academy Administrator
  • Maintain membership as a fellow in good standing in both MAPA and AAPA

201.04.06 Committee responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Serve as the Board of Directors’ advisor to assigned committees
  • Mentor potential fellow/student leaders

201.04.07 Attendance responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend executive board and board meetings           
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions
  • Attend other meetings as requested by the President or the Board of Directors

201.05 Treasurer, Guidelines

201.05.01 General responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Maintain accurate records of the financial status of MAPA
  • Oversee all money received by the organization in the organization’s accounts
  • Oversee, per finance policy, all payments approved by the MAPA Board of Directors and review all receipts of those payments
  • Review the financial status of previous years, before assisting in the drafting of the annual budget
  • The Treasurer will review financial records quarterly and upon departure from office.  A financial audit by an external auditor (not currently with the management company) shall be conducted every three years.  The level of audit conducted shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
  • Provide a detailed report of fiscal accounts and contacts to be forwarded to the next Treasurer
  • Chair the Finance Committee and work with the Executive Director and Academy Administrator to identify non-dues sources of revenue
  • Submit a quarterly and annual written financial report to the Board of Directors.  The quarterly report should be submitted at least one week prior to the Board of Directors meeting.  The annual report should be submitted at least one week prior to the end of the term
  • Work with Finance Department of the management company to assure all financial matters are managed appropriately
  • Prepare the annual budget in conjunction with the Finance Committee
  • Work with membership committee to maximize the number of members
  • Work with the management company to assure that all dues revenues are collected
  • Make sure that delinquent membership dues and special assessments are collected
  • Write a column for the MAPA Newsletter, as requested, providing a summary of the organization’s financial status
  • Submit written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Mentor potential fellow/student leaders
  • Maintain membership as a fellow in good standing in both MAPA and AAPA

201.05.02 Committee Responsibilities 

He or she is expected to:

  • Chair the Finance Committee and seek out investment strategies and make recommendations to the Board of Directors
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors

201.05.03 Attendance responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend Executive Board and Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions
  • Attend other meetings as requested by the President or Board of Directors

201.06 Immediate Past President, Guidelines

201.06.01 General Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Identify, recruit, and cultivate new volunteer leadership for MAPA
  • Submit a written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Serve as the liaison with medical counterparts and market/promote MAPA
  • Help mentor the President and President-elect
  • Schedule and lead the Past Presidents’ meetings
  • Maintain membership as a fellow in good standing in both MAPA and AAPA

201.06.02 Committee responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Serve as chair of committees as deemed necessary by the President
  • Serve in an advisory capacity to all committees as needed
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the yearly financial timeline.

201.06.03 Attendance responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend Executive Board and Board of Directors meetings
  • Represent MAPA with outside organizations and the media
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions

201.07 Board Advisors

201.07.01 The Board of Directors shall seek legal, financial, professional, and planning advice from the appropriate sources, as they deem necessary.

201.08 Executive Committee, Guidelines 

201.08.01 The Executive Committee may be given the authority to present a written proposal to a management firm under consideration.  The full board will then be provided with the proposal, the management firm's response, and the recommendations of the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee may enter into a contractual agreement with the management company upon approval of the full board.

201.08.02 The Executive Committee may meet as needed to study issues in depth or to determine if action is needed regarding a particular situation.  The minutes of such meetings will be provided at the subsequent Board meeting for approval. 

201.08.03 After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the yearly financial timeline. 

201.09 Regional Representatives

Michigan is divided into six geographical regions. Each region shall have an elected representative who will function as a member of the Board of Directors.

201.09.01 Regional Representatives are encouraged to arrange popular, convenient, and economic sites for their meetings.  A minimum of two regional meeting per year is recommended. 

201.09.02 When there are no candidates declaring for election from a region, a fellow member may be appointed by the President with approval of the Board.  Upon approval of the appointment, the representative will have all the responsibilities and privileges of the position through the expiration of the term.  

201.09.03 Regional Representatives shall be provided the names of new MAPA members in their regions in a timely manner.  When possible, such new MAPA members should be contacted by the Regional Representative before the next Board meeting so as to be able to share new member's concerns with the Board.

201.09.04 Regional Representatives are members of the Membership Committee during their term of office.

201.09.05 Those Regional Representatives whose term will not expire in at the end of the fiscal year are members of the Nominating Committee unless running for office. 

201.09.06 The Region I Representative (from the Upper Peninsula) will be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses to attend two of four quarterly Board meetings with prior approval by the President and Treasurer.

201.09.07 Regional Representative Responsibilities

General Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Maintain Fellow MAPA Membership status
  • Mentor potential student and fellow leaders
  • Represent assigned constituency
  • Submit a written regional report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Assist fellow officers as needed
  • Assist the President-elect with nominations as noted in 201.09.05
  • Serve as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the constituency
  • Actively encourage membership in MAPA among all PAs in their region
  • Submit articles for the MAPA newsletter highlighting regional views and activities, as requested
  • Coordinate with other Regional Representatives and the Membership Committee to ensure monthly communications are being sent to the membership
  • Communicate with new members in their region

201.09.08 Committee Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Serve on ad hoc committees as assigned
  • Chair committees as assigned
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly region representative budget to be approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the yearly financial timeline.

201.09.09 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions

201.10 Student Representation on the Board

201.10.01 A Student Advisory Committee shall be formed to act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors on student issues

201.10.02 There will be one student representative from each accredited physician assistant program in Michigan on a Student Advisory Committee  

201.10.03  A fellow member will be appointed by the President and approved by the Board to serve as liaison to the Student Advisory Committee, but will be ineligible to vote or hold office on that committee.

201.10.04 Responsibilities of the Liaison to the Student Advisory Committee

He or she is expected to:

  • Maintain Fellow MAPA Membership status
  • Submit a written quarterly report at least one week prior to each Board of Directors Meeting
  • Serve as a liaison between the Board of Directors and all student members of MAPA
  • Represent student views to the Board of Directors
  • Assist the President in coordination the Board of Directors’ activities /interactions with PA programs
  • Promote membership in MAPA to students at the PA programs
  • Facilitate articles for the MAPA newsletter, highlighting student views or activities
  • Provide the academy administrator contact information for the student representatives
  • Facilitate student participation and involvement on all MAPA committees, teams, functions and/or projects
  • Communicate with Program Directors and students the dates/times of meetings and events on the annual calendar

201.10.05 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions, as requested

202.01 Ad Hoc Committees

The Board may establish ad hoc committees as necessary to perform the work of the academy.

202.02 Task Forces

The Board may establish task forces to study issues and to report their findings to the Board.

202.03 Standing Committees


The Standing Committees are:

  • Legislative
  • Continuing Medical Education
  • Finance
  • Membership
  • Nominations/Elections
  • Communications/Public Relations
  • Reimbursement
  • Public Education and Relations
  • Political Action
  • Student Advisory

202.03.02 Committee Chairperson, Guidelines

A.  A copy of all communications, memos, etc., generated by committees should be sent to the President and Secretary.

B.  Committee items to be discussed at Board meetings should be sent to the President at least one week prior to a scheduled meeting.

C.  Committees may schedule meetings at CME or other meetings.

D.  Committee chairpersons may delegate responsibilities to members of their committee.

E.  Committee chairpersons should formalize their responsibilities in writing in order that guidelines are established for future chairpersons. 

F.  The term of office of Committees Chairs shall be one year, to expire at the end of the MAPA fiscal year.  The term of office for the CME Committee Chair will begin the day after the conclusion of the Annual Fall Conference and conclude the last day of the following Annual Fall Conference.

G.  The most important responsibility of the chair is to act on the charges assigned to the committee by the President/Board of Directors.  Each committee chair is responsible for developing, recommending, and implementing organizational plans and a budget for their respective committee.  Another responsibility of a committee chair is to determine the committee’s meeting schedule for the year.  The chair of each committee should always be well informed of all committee activities.  This will aid in the preparation of a final report of the year’s activities, which will include final budget estimates and recommendations for the following year.  Committee chairs should coordinate with the board of Directors and other committee chairs as needed.

H. All committee chairs must be current fellow MAPA Members.

202.03.03 Committee Guidelines

MAPA committee members are reminded that they are official representatives of MAPA.   When occasions arise where professional issues are being discussed or communicated as part of committee work or a BOD meeting, it is the members’ duty to make it clear from which position the point of view is made i.e.

A.  Expression of individual position

B.  Committee's proposed position or

C.  Official position of MAPA as approved by the executive board.

A profession-related concept, notion, viewpoint or position formulated by a committee is not endorsed by MAPA until it is presented to, and approved by the Board according to bylaws or policy.

202.04 Committee Reports

202.04.01 Committee reports will be submitted to the board and the academy administrator at least one week prior to a board meeting

202.04.02 Motions for committee activities will include a budget so that funds are authorized by the board in advance.

202.04.03 After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the yearly financial timeline.

202.05 Legislative Committee 

The chair of the legislative committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors.

202.05.01 General responsibilities of the Committee

  • Act as a resource for the state and federal legislature, the State Board of Medicine and the constituency
  • Mentor and educate membership concerning legislative issues
  • Address PA legislation in concert with the Board of Directors and lobbyist
  • Monitor governmental meetings that may affect the profession
  • Work with lobbyist and legal counsel
  • Submit written quarterly reports at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Write articles for MAPA newsletter to regularly update the PA constituency
  • Communicate with members during times of important legislation to inform the constituency and gain support for PA issues
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate

202.05.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors charges to the committee
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the Board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of committee functions
  • Solicit volunteers to serve on the committee

202.05.03 Attendance Responsibilities
He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions, as requested

202.06 Continuing Education Committee

The chair of the Continuing Education committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors. 

202.06.01 General Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Work with the Events Coordinator to coordinate all CME conferences for MAPA
  • Work in conjunction with the Academy Administrator to manage and facilitate all aspects of CME conferences
  • Work with the board and management company to select the location of future conferences
  • Work in conjunction with the Executive Director and Academy Administrator to sign contracts related to the conference, with Board of Directors approval
  • Submit written quarterly reports at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate
  • Develop/coordinate a speakers list
  • Work with the Events Coordinator to develop and approve the conference brochure /flyer
  • Work in conjunction with the Academy Administrator to manage conference registration or to oversee those contracted to do so
  • Work in conjunction with Academy Administrator to submit CME for AAPA approval prior to the conference
  • Work with the succeeding CME chair to help prepare for the following year’s conference
  • Submit promotional articles/ads for each MAPA newsletter and the website.

202.06.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors charges to the committee
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of committee functions
  • Solicit new volunteers to serve on the committee

202.06.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions, as requested

202.07 Finance Committee

The chair the current MAPA Treasurer. The committee consists of the President, Executive Director, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, and additional interested committee members appointed by the chair.

202.07.01 General responsibilities of the Committee

  • Provide the Board of Directors with recommendations regarding the investment of MAPA funds so as to maximize their return
  • Perform due diligence research regarding investments and provide documentation to support their recommendations
  • Accept other fiduciary responsibilities as requested by the President and Board of Directors

202.07.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she shall:

  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions
  • Provide research and recommendations as necessary

202.08 Membership Committee

The chair of the membership committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors.  The members of the committee are the Regional Representatives and additional interested committee members appointed by the chair.

202.08.01 General Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Recruit and retain new members for MAPA
  • Develop and implement plans to increase MAPA membership
  • Ensure maintenance of the MAPA membership database
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate
  • Develop and maintain member benefits, with board approval
  • Submit articles for the MAPA newsletter highlighting membership benefits and activities, as requested.

202.08.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors’ charges to the committee
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of  committee functions
  • Solicit new volunteers to serve on the committee

202.08.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions, as requested

202.09 Nominations Committee

The chair of the Nominations Committee is the current President-Elect.  The committee will consist of regional representatives whose term will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year or are otherwise not running for any office and any additional interested fellow members (not currently running for a MAPA board position) appointed by the chair.  It is the charge of the committee to seek out and nominate qualified candidates for all open offices, region representatives, and delegates.  The Nominations Committee shall establish all rules and regulations governing the elections.  It is the charge of the Nominations Committee to supervise the preparation and distribution of the ballots.

202.10 Communications Committee

The chair of the communications committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors. 

202.11.01 General Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Coordinate the production of the MAPA Newsletter
  • Keep a timeline of the newsletter publication schedul
  • Collect assigned articles from appropriate Board of Directors members
  • Recruit articles and photos from members and committee chairs
  • Write articles
  • Take photos of MAPA activities for publication in the newsletter
  • Edit newsletter articles
  • Oversee the development and maintenance of the MAPA web site
  • Submit quarterly written reports at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate
  • Develop telecommunication and electronic communication so as to maximize communication, develop methods to enhance and expedite the productivity of board functions and meetings
  • Develop programs to advance the PA profession within the state
  • Develop programs to educate MAPA stakeholders
  • Act as liaison between the Board of Directors and the media
  • Send out approved public service announcements and/or approved press releases whenever appropriate
  • Coordinate, supervise and publicize PA Week activities happening within the state

 202.10.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors’ charges to the committee
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of committee functions
  • Solicit new volunteers to serve on the committee

202.10.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions

202.11 Reimbursement Committee

The chair of the reimbursement committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors. 

202.11.01 General Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Maintain awareness of current reimbursement legislation/politics concerning Medicare/Medicaid issues and other third-party payers
  • Contribute articles/letters for MAPA newsletter on reimbursement issues or a summary of committee activities, as requested
  • Serve as a contact for organization members concerning third party payment issues
  • Submit written quarterly reports at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate

202.11.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors’ charges to the committee
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of committee functions
  • Solicit new volunteers to serve on the committee

202.11.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions, as requested

202.12 Political Action Committee (PAMPAC)

202.12.01 Definition

The committee shall be a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated association operating as a separate, segregated fund of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants, Inc. The PAMPAC is a voluntary, nonprofit and unincorporated Committee of individual physician assistants (PAs). It is not affiliated with any political party and it is not affiliated with or a subsidiary of any other political action committee, or of any other national, state, or local academy or association of physician assistants. The Committee operates as a separate, segregated entity of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Academy or MAPA), which may defray all costs and expenses incurred in the establishment and administration of the PAMPAC.   The organization operates under its own set of By-Laws and Organizational Policy and has been ratified by a majority vote of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants Board of Directors.

202.12.02 Reimbursement of Expenses

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by any committee member in carrying out the work of the PAMPAC will be reimbursed according to MAPA policy. The reimbursement funds will come out of the PAMPAC general fund.

202.12.03 Dissolution

The Committee may be dissolved at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants, Inc.  In the event of such dissolution, all funds contained in the PAMPAC depository, after payment of all lawful obligations, shall be disbursed to political committees or candidates at the discretion of the MAPA Board of Directors.

A person acting in an elected or appointed capacity may use an official title when:

  • You are acting in your official capacity as a representative of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants.  This may be on written documents, in verbal introduction, or other forms of address.
  • Your title is such that it would customarily be used in social introductions or exchanges on nonofficial occasions. For example, Mr. Jones, or Professor Smith.
  • It is for a biographical summary. For example, "Mr. Green has been the chief delegate for the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants for five years."

You may not use your official title:

  • In your private capacity, such as in a letter to the editor, a personal letter to a member of Congress, an article or book, a Directory, or on the letterhead or signature block of a private organization's stationery.
  • To endorse, in an official or private capacity: the proprietary products or processes of manufacturers; or the services of commercial firms for advertising, publicity, or sales purposes.

202.13 Public Affairs Committee

The chair of the public affairs committee is appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors.

202.13.01 General Responsibilities of the Committee

Coordinate volunteer activities across every MAPA region in Michigan

  • Oversee the development and implementation of educational grants
  • Identify issues of public health and develop strategies for PAs to educate the general public
  • Define and implement MAPA initiatives which support diversity, identify all types of discrimination and empower PAs to protect all patients from discrimination
  • Write newsletter articles
  • Submit quarterly written reports at least one week prior to each Board of Directors meeting
  • Make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors when appropriate

202.13.02 Committee Chair Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Implement the Board of Directors’ charges to the committee
  • After reviewing the charges from the Board of Directors for the year, prepare a yearly committee budget to be approved by the Board of Directors
  • Report back to the committee the decisions of the board that may affect the committee’s work or activities
  • Provide leadership to the committee
  • Provide oversight of committee functions
  • Solicit new volunteers to serve on the committee

202.13.03 Attendance Responsibilities

He or she is expected to:

  • Attend and facilitate all committee meetings
  • Attend Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend the MAPA leadership sessions

204.01 Management Office Responsibilities

These responsibilities will be delineated in the contract entered into by MAPA and the management company. 

204.01.01 The management office space is to be available to any Board of Directors member or committee chair for official use at any time necessary and subject to the constraints of the management company.

204.02 Documents and Records, Guidelines

204.02.01 Member access to and copies of documents not listed in the bylaws under section 100.12.01, “member rights,” shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Driectors reserves the right to charge a reasonable and customary rate for copies of any record, document, policy, guideline or other MAPA document requested.  A handling fee, plus an additional per copy charge may apply.

204.02.02 All minutes from BOD meetings and committee meetings will be kept at the MAPA office.  A Directors and Officers Insurance file will be maintained.  Copies of the file will be available to members on request.

205.01 Rules and Regulations for Election of Officers

205.01.01 There will be a call for candidates at least 90 days prior to elections.  The candidate professional / platform data must be received by the Academy office at least 30 days prior to preparation of the ballots.  Candidates for elected office will be asked to submit to the Nominations Committee a statement that includes their biographical data including eligibility for office, their credentials, and their election platform.   Only the election platform will be distributed with the ballot.  The ballot shall be prepared and distributed to the membership on May 1 each year.  The ballots shall be returned or electronic voting shall end no later than midnight, June 1. The election results shall be announced no later than 10 days after receipt of ballots.

205.01.02 Preparation of Ballots

  1. 1. The preparation of ballots will be supervised by the Elections Committee.
  2. 2. Space for write-in candidates will be provided.

205.01.03 Verification of Candidates

The Nominations Committee of MAPA shall ensure that eligibility requirements for candidates declaring for all MAPA offices are met.

 205.01.04 Eligibility and Qualifications of Candidates

Guidelines for Candidacy for the Office of President-Elect:
A candidate for the office of President-Elect must be a current fellow MAPA member for the year preceding candidcay and have been a fellow member of MAPA for at least three of the last five years and must be a current fellow member of AAPA in good standing.  The proposed nominee must have accumulated during the past five years, two distinct years of experience as a member of the board of directors, or as a MAPA delegate to the HOD or on any of MAPA's standing committees or accumulated the necessary experience deemed appropriate by the nominations committee.

Guidelines for Candidacy for the office of Secretary and Treasurer:
A candidate for these offices must be a current fellow MAPA member for the year preceding candidacy and have been a fellow member of MAPA for at least two of the last five years or accumulated the necessary experience deemed appropriate by the nominations committee and must be a fellow member of AAPA in good standing. 

205.01.05 Distribution of Ballots

Ballots will be mailed (by regular mail or by e-mail) to eligible voters at the last address on record at MAPA in April.

205.01.06 Candidates have the opportunity to switch the office for which they wish to run if many candidates are running for the same office.  Candidates may withdraw from the election at any time prior to the close of the election.  A member may cast a write-in vote only if the person so named has agreed to run for the office and if the person meets the above qualifications for office.  

205.01.07 Should the Academy not receive, within the allotted time, a letter of intent by an eligible fellow or associate member in good standing to fill a vacant or expiring Board or House of Delegates position, that position may be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at their next meeting following the election.

205.01.08 The Board may fill vacant elected offices of the Board and the House of Delegates by an internal election.

205.01.09 Vote Necessary to Elect

A candidate will be elected by receiving a plurality of the votes cast.

In the case of a tie vote, the Elections Committee Chair will draw the name of the winner from among those tied.

205.02.01 Campaigning

A candidate is allowed to campaign for office using his/her own time, money and resources. A candidate found to be using any MAPA resources not available to the general membership including but not limited to MAPA list serves and the MAPA Facebook Page (or other social newtwork) will be in violation of MAPA Policy and will be either removed from the ballot or in the case that ballots have already been distributed, all votes will be void. 

205.02.02 Sets of member address labels can be purchased from MAPA set at stated in policy 214.00.

206.01 An affiliated organization is a specialty group of physician assistants that requests of and is granted this status by the Board of Directors for purposes that are in accordance with MAPA policy.  The liaison of such specialty groups shall be MAPA fellows in good standing.

A liaison organization is a professional group that wishes to establish a formal, collegial, working relationship with MAPA to achieve common goals.

Professional organizations may attain the status of Liaison or Affiliated Organization by written mutual consent, or letter of request with statement of intent and MAPA Board of Directors’ approval.

207.01 Financial Guidelines

207.01.01 Funds to attend AAPA Leadership meetings will be made available as designated by the President with approval by the Board of Directors. 

208.01 Criteria for all Delegates

208.01.01 All candidates for MAPA Chief Delegate/Delegate to AAPA House of Delegates shall be current members of AAPA.

208.01.02 All candidates for MAPA Chief Delegate/Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates shall be current fellow MAPA members, and additionally shall have been a MAPA member for the year preceding candidacy.

208.01.03 All candidates for MAPA Chief Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates shall have served at least one term as a delegate with the Michigan delegation.

208.02 Delegate Terms

208.02.01 The term for delegates from Michigan to the AAPA House of Delegates shall be one year and begin on July 15th of the year of election.

208.02.02 Chief Delegate/Delegates from MAPA to the AAPA House of Delegates are eligible for unlimited terms of service, but must submit to the election processes yearly.

208.03 Election of Delegates

208.03.01 The number of delegate seats allocated by the AAPA shall determine the number of delegates elected.   The allocation shall include the Chief Delegate such that the number of delegates required is represented by the number of available AAPA House seats minus one.  (See Standing Rules, AAPA Policy Manual)

208.03.02 The election process delineated in section 205.00 ELECTIONS of the MAPA Policy and Procedures Manual and in section 100.05 ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS of MAPA bylaws will be followed.

208.04 Charges of Delegates

208.04.01 Delegates will serve as representatives of the MAPA membership at the AAPA House of Delegates.  As such, the delegation will participate in the process of the AAPA HOD.  The delegation will strive to speak and vote in the interest of the MAPA constituency.

208.04.02 Each delegate shall be available on the floor of the convened AAPA HOD when same is in session, unless excused at the discretion of the Chief Delegate to participate in other such business as may be deemed necessary.

208.04.03 Each member of the delegation will further accept the responsibility for responding to special meetings and votes of the AAPA HOD as they may arise during the delegation's term of service.

208.05 Charges of Chief Delegate

The Chief Delegate will hold a meeting or conference call no later than the end of January prior to the convening of the AAPA HOD to discuss topics for resolution submission to AAPA HOD.  The Chief Delegate will assign resolution development to the delegates which will be submitted to the MAPA BOD for approval prior to submission to the AAPA Speaker of the House.  All formal submissions to the AAPA HOD shall have MAPA BOD approval.

208.05.01 Aside from the charges in this section, the Chief Delegate is also bound by the Charges of Delegates, as noted in 208.04.

208.05.02 The Chief Delegate will facilitate the selection of the MAPA delegation to the AAPA HOD as follows:

A.  Endorse the call for delegates.

B.  Determine candidates’ eligibility for delegate services as described in MAPA policy.

208.05.03 The Chief Delegate is charged with the supervision of the MAPA delegation in the discharge of delegate responsibilities.

208.05.04 The Chief Delegate will make sure that delegates have copies of the AAPA "Duties and Responsibilities of Delegates to the AAPA HOUSE OF DELEGATES", materials and pertinent policy manuals.

208.05.05 The Chief Delegate will provide a delegation list to the MAPA Board for certification and shall submit an official notification of delegates selected to the appropriate staff member at the national office by July 1 of the year the delegates take office.  Notification process may be in writing or by electronic method.

208.05.06 The Chief Delegate will hold not less than one meeting or conference call of the delegation no later than one week prior to the convening of the AAPA HOD for the purpose of deciding committee assignments and reviewing pending resolutions and other such business as may come before the delegation.

208.05.07 Additionally, the Chief Delegate will

A.  Arrange meetings of the delegation in timely fashion as the events of the AAPA HOD may dictate.

B.  Be available to receive, develop and refine AAPA HOD resolutions originating within the Constituent Organization.

C.  Work in conjunction with the student members of the Michigan Academy who may be participating in the Student Academy House of Delegates.

D.  Inform the HOD delegates of the reimbursement policy on a conference call prior to the AAPA HOD meeting.

208.05.08 The Chief Delegate may, after careful deliberation and consultation with the chapter President, remove a delegate from service for negligence in the discharge of delegation responsibilities, rendering them ineligible for reimbursement of delegate expenses.

208.05.09 The Chief Delegate will provide a report to the MAPA Board of Directors of the events of the AAPA House of Delegates.  In addition, an article to provide a summary of the AAPA House of Delegates proceedings to the membership will be submitted for publication.

208.06 Delegation Finances

If funds are available, each delegate must complete and return to the Academy Administrator a MAPA expense report, including receipts for reimbursement of HOD incurred expenses, within 30 days of the event’s end date.  Delegates are encouraged to conserve finances.  Delegates should use other (employer) reimbursement to cover expenses first whenever possible.  Only actual out-of-pocket expenses for approved travel, hotel and registration not covered by other reimbursements may be submitted.

209.01 The fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.

209.02 Fund Allocation

209.02.01 The Board of Directors must initially authorize the opening or closing of all checking, credit card, savings, investment accounts and other financial instruments.  Specific individuals must be approved by the Board of Directors as signatories and credit/debit cardholders with the opening of each account.

209.02.02 Before MAPA funds are committed, (1) a reasonable estimate of cost is known, (2) the appropriate line item budget balance is sufficient to cover the expense, (3) exceptions to the above must have Board approval/or Board Executive Committee approval before funds are committed and (4) the MAPA President determines emergency expenditures.

209.02.03 MAPA investment policy will be established by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.  The policy will outline the parameters for decision making in reserve fund investments and optimum return on checking accounts and other immediately liquid assets.  Areas to be included are risk vs. return, fund performance guidelines, management and review, commission fee levels, diversity of the portfolio and short, medium, and long term objectives.

209.02.04 All fund allocations for the AAPA meetings, Chief Delegate, AAPA, MAPA CME, AAPA’s Legislative and Advocacy Summit, and other regular professional meetings and events will be established at the Spring Board of Directors meeting as part of the budget approval process for the following fiscal year.

209.02.05 MAPA Board of Directors and management staff individuals will be limited in individual expenditures by the budget and approval of the Board.

209.02.06 The Board of Directors or Executive Committee approval is required for significant additions or deletion in each year’s adopted fiscal year Financial Budget.  “Significant” will be defined as $500 or 20% of an individual line item budget account, whichever is larger.

209.02.07 The Board will designate the authority to remove funds from the investment fund for deposit to MAPA's checking account to the President, Treasurer, and/or management company.  All fund transfers must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to removal of the funds.

209.02.08 Consideration may be given by the Board to allocate funds to assist MAPA members in campaigns for AAPA elected offices.

209.02.09 The Board may approve funding for MAPA members to attend seminars and conferences of interest to the academy.

209.02.10 All printed projects, product or services over $1,000 not in the current year’s budget will have competitive bids put before the Board for approval.

209.02.11 Advertising rates and/or sponsorship contracts in MAPA publications or on MAPA’s website for sales contracts will be established during the budgeting process each fiscal year or as conditions require.

209.02.12 A MAPA credit card will be issued to the MAPA President and be held until this person completes the term of Immediate Past President of MAPA; after which, this person will be removed from the Academy account.  The MAPA Academy Administrator and Executive Director will also be issued a MAPA credit card and hold these cards until they are no longer associated with MAPA.  The MAPA Executive Director will have overall control and management of the MAPA credit card account.

209.03 Accounting Practices

209.03.01 The Association Executive Director, an officer of the management organization approved by the MAPA Board, and the Treasurer have the authority to approve invoiced check requests and assign ledger line item account numbers to each check not requested by themselves.  All check requests will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Treasurer.  The bookkeeper will prepare all checks, cause them to be approved and signed by two signatories and disburse the payment with proper posting to line item accounts. 

209.03.02 MAPA checks all will have accompanying expense invoice forms and expense proof of purchase receipts.  Expense invoice forms will include the following: date, party to be paid, address, billing amount and brief explanation for the billing and check number.  Also included are the date approved, signature of approving individual and ledger line item assigned. 

209.03.03 Signature privileges are granted to the Treasurer, Executive Director and Academy Administrator for outgoing checks.  Expenses are approved by the Treasurer and/or Executive Director.  An authorized signer from the current management company will be a second signer on any checks written by the Treasurer and/or Executive Director.  The President, Executive Director and Academy Administrator are granted use of the MAPA credit card for approved MAPA business.

209.03.04 All MAPA financials will be compliant with the current association management company’s financial processes and procedures, unless otherwise determined by the MAPA Board of Directors.

209.03.05 Timeline for Finance Committee and Budget Process

Each Board Meeting and/or conference call: Review, discuss, vote to approve monthly financial statements.  Financial statements include monthly profit/loss statement and monthly balance sheet statement.  Profit/loss statements shall include comparisons to approved budget and previous year’s monthly actuals.  Financial statements may also include investment portfolio.  Monthly financial statements are due within ten business days after the end of the month.  Quarterly financial statements are due within ten business days after the end of the quarter.  All financial statements must be made available to the board members upon the due date.


  •  Second quarter financial statements due and submitted to MAPA.
  •  January board meeting:
    • Identify, review and discuss current contractual agreements that are due at end of fiscal year.


  • Finance committee work group meets to review contract agreements and make recommendations to the Board regarding financial feasibility.
  • February conference call:
    • Review and discuss Finance Committee recommendations on contract agreements.
    • Notify committee chairman that their budgets are due second Monday of March


  • March conference call
  • Committee budgets are due: Second Monday of March


  • Third quarter financial statements due and submitted to MAPA: First Monday in April
  • Finance committee meeting: at least one week before April board meeting.
  • Prepare a first draft budget and submit to the board.
  • April board meeting


  • Finance committee meeting: at least one week before the May conference call.
  • Review and discuss Board recommendations; update budget.
  • Second draft of budget due
  • May conference call
  • Finance committee work group meeting to finalize the budget: no later than the last Tuesday of May and submit to the board at least one week prior to the June board meeting.


  • Fourth quarter financial statements due and submitted to MAPA: first Monday in June
  • June board meeting.


    • Open schedule


    • Open schedule


    • Open schedule


    • Open schedule


    • Open schedule


    • Open schedule

     209.04 Mileage Reimbursement

     209.04.01 Mileage reimbursement for staff and other non-board persons will be in accordance with current IRS guidelines. 

     209.04.02 Mileage reimbursement for approved MAPA business must be submitted within 30 days of the expense on a reimbursement form to qualify for reimbursement.  This is subject to review by the President, Treasurer, or Academy Administrator.

     209.04.03 To qualify for reimbursement for travel to Board meetings, the round trip must be in excess of 100 miles and reimbursement will be for the mileage in excess of 100 miles.

     209.06 CME Finances

     209.06.01 MAPA Conference Registration Fees

    209.06.01. a Complimentary meeting registration will be given for the MAPA CME chairperson and the MAPA President.  Complimentary registration may be provided to other board members or MAPA members in good standing, upon approval of the board by the recommendation of the MAPA CME chairperson. 

    209.06.01. b The amount charged for MAPA conference registration fees shall be reasonably determined by the CME chairperson in accordance with the budget process.  Any changes in MAPA conference registration fees needs voting approval from the MAPA BOD.

    209.06.01. c Reimbursement for MAPA CME registration fees may be given, in accordance with the established terms and conditions defined by the Board of Directors, prior to the start of the CME event.

    209.06.01.d Reciprocity will be given to PAs who are from out of state and are members of their home state academy.  Proof of active membership must be provided with the registration.

    209.06.01.e Michigan PA students shall be afforded discounted registration fees.

     209.06.01.f The exhibit fee schedule may be reduced for social issues groups, state agencies and other non-profit entities at the discretion of the MAPA CME Committee chairperson.

     209.06.01.g All supporters of MAPA CME events will provide payment prior to the beginning of said event.  Failure to make payment in full may result in the inability to display, and whatever funds have been submitted would become non-refundable.

    209.06.02 MAPA Conference Room Charges, Complimentary

    209.06.02.a The MAPA President, MAPA CME Committee Chairperson, Executive Director and Academy Administrative Staff shall have reasonable lodging, meal, and automobile travel expenses reimbursed by MAPA.  Complimentary and reasonable lodging, meal, and automobile travel expenses may be provided to other board members upon recommendation of the CME chairperson and approval by the Board of Directors.

     209.06.02.b Michigan PA students will be afforded the lowest group per capita lodging rate available at the conference site consistent with maximum occupancy of students per lodging room.  PA student spouses are not included in this housing arrangement.

     209.06.03 The MAPA display table at CME events may be made available to individual committees for display of the committees’ programs and activities

    210.01 New MAPA members will receive a membership packet and membership cards.

    210.02 All new members will be acknowledged by mail within 30 days.

    211.01 Membership dues may not be paid in installments. Accepted major credit cards or check may be used to pay dues.

    211.02 Members, Fellow

    The dues period shall be for one calendar year commencing in the month the payment was received by the MAPA office.  The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which a dues change was adopted.  Any annual dues change will be effective at the next anniversary billing.

    211.03 Members, Students

    211.03.01 Student membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which a dues change was adopted and will be in effect for the duration of enrollment in the professional phase of an accredited PA program. 

    211.03.02 Any student of a board approved program is eligible to become a MAPA student member regardless of the state from which he/she may come.

    211.04 Members, Associate, Inactive PA (Includes retirees, out-of-state)

    211.04.01 This membership category is awarded to a physician assistant who is a graduate of an accredited educational program and/or who is certified by an agency recognized by the Board of Directors but who resides out of state, is retired or otherwise inactive from clinical practice. The dues period shall be for one calendar year commencing in the month the payment was received by the MAPA office.  The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which a dues change was adopted.  Any annual dues change will be effective at the next anniversary billing.

    211.05 Members, Affiliate

    211.05.01 MAPA Affiliate membership shall consist of individuals who do not qualify for any other membership category.  Affiliate members shall be divided into two sub-categories:

    a. Pre-PA Student.  The Pre-PA Student category shall consist of individuals who are interested in the physician assistant profession and are completing prerequisites and/or applying to a PA Program.  The amount of the dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and recorded in the minutes at which a dues change was adopted.  The Pre-PA Student membership status will be in effect for a duration of two (2) years time while the Pre-PA Student is preparing for acceptance into a PA Program and shall expire upon the student being accepted into a PA Program  or at the two year time period.  This membership status can be renewed if needed.  

    b. Interested Parties and All Remaining Individuals Who Do Not Qualify for Other Membership Categories.  The dues period shall be for one calendar year commencing in the month the payment was received by the MAPA office.  The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which a dues change was adopted.  Any annual dues change will be effective at the next anniversary billing.   

    211.05.02 The MAPA newsletter would be provided to affiliate members upon request. Affiliate members will not have access to the members’ only area of the web site.

    211.06 Members, Honorary

    211.06.01 William Birch, MD, Honorary Member.  (12/74) (deceased)

    211.06.02 Joette Marger, Honorary Member.  (6/75)

    211.06.03 Mike Madden, Honorary Member.  (6/75)(deceased)

    211.06.04 Representative William Ryan, Honorary Member.  (9/76)(deceased)

    211.06.05 Harriet Gales, Honorary Member.  (1983)

    211.06.06 Dr. Edward Tracy, University of Detroit Mercy, Honorary Member. (1/93)(deceased)

    211.06.07 Steven Crane, PhD, Honorary Member (1/94)

    211.06.08 Ron Nelson, PA-C (deceased)

    211.06.09 Kenneth Moritsugu, M.D., U.S. Deputy Surgeon General

    211.06.10 Marsha Salley, PA-C (6/05)

    211.06.11 Gregg Haskell PA-C

    211.06.12 Joel Appel, D.O.

    211.06.13 Joseph Oldford, M.D.

    211.06.14 William Fenn, PA-C

    211.06.15 Radford Hayden, PA-C (deceased)

    212.01 A hard copy of the membership list may be given free of charge to qualified (501c3, 501c6 etc.) organizations approved by the MAPA BOD.

    212.02 The hard copy membership list is available to for profit companies for a fee, as set by the MAPA BOD. The purchasing company must first provide to the Academy Administrator, a statement indicating the use of the list before the membership list is sent. Current MAPA Fellow members may obtain a list of member names without charge.  

    212.03 All membership list requests must be submitted to the Academy Administrator indicating the use of the list; once approved by the Administrator, the list will be sent to the purchaser.

    212.04 The membership list will include name and city of requested members.  No email addresses will be released.

    213.01 Mailing labels are for a one time use and can be provided as a single set of labels mailed to the company or e-mailed directly to a bonded mail house.  If name and address labels are to be used for profit by an organization or member, the labels will be provided for a one time use for a fee of: $200 if delivered electronically to a bonded mail house, $250 if peel and stick labels are mailed directly to the purchaser.  An alternate fee of: $100 if delivered electronically to a bonded mail house, $150 if peel and stick labels are mailed directly to the purchaser, will be charged for non-profit use. MAPA will provide labels to any AAPA chapter at cost.  

    213.02 All mailing label requests must be submitted to the Academy Administrator indicating the use of the labels, once approved by the Administrator, the labels will be sent to the purchaser or bonded mail house.  No email addresses will be released.

    214.01 Use of MAPA letterhead is strictly limited to official, sanctioned MAPA correspondence. Use of MAPA letterhead supporting a personal and/or professional opinion is strictly prohibited.

    214.02 All official correspondence should be prepared on academy letterhead.   All correspondence sent out on MAPA letterhead must be copied to the MAPA office to be made part of the official file.

    214.03 The MAPA logo is the exclusive property of MAPA. All entities must obtain permission from MAPA prior to use of the logo. All users must adhere to the following:

    1. In any approved use, the logo may not be altered in any way, including colors, backgrounds, fonts, proportions, or existing elements of the design.
    2. The logo should not be used with additional text or graphics to create a “new” logo.
    3. Use of the logo shall be subject at all times to revocation and withdrawal by MAPA when, in its sole judgment, its continued use would not serve the best interests of MAPA or the public.

    The Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants requires that all surveys it sends to its members must be approved by the MAPA Executive Committee as outlined in this policy. The purpose of this review is threefold:

    • Survey instruments are reviewed for methodological correctness.
    • Proposed research is judged for applicability to members and to the profession.
    • Other possible data sources that address the research question may be available, making a survey redundant.

    The overall purpose is to minimize frivolous and repetitive surveys of the MAPA membership and to encourage valid and robust research that is of benefit to PAs by maximizing survey compliance rates. MAPA encourages members to cooperate with research projects that have received its approval and to ignore those that haven't.

    For Researchers:

    • Potential survey instruments and cover letters should be sent to the MAPA office for initial review and all of the following will be required of each survey proposal:
      A description of the project, including a discussion of the problem being addressed by the survey
    • A listing of the individual(s) and organization(s) involved in the survey process.
    • The project's research hypothesis.
    • The survey methodology (sample selection, instrument distribution, proposal to increase response rate, proposed analysis methodology).
    • The project time line.
    • What will be done with the data (published, available to the public).
    • A literature review of the survey topic.
    • If the survey is being submitted by a student (PA student, PA in an advanced degree program, or other graduate student), a letter from the student's advisor should be included indicating the advisor has reviewed the submitted project materials and that the project complies with any institutional requirements such as approval by ethics committees or institutional research boards.

    The initial survey review by the MAPA Research Review Committee shall ensure that all the above materials were submitted and guidelines followed before making a recommendation to the Executive Committee.  After consideration of the recommendation and further review by the Executive Committee, either approval will be given or suggestions made for improvements to the instrument. Once approval is given, research may proceed. A hard copy of the final, distributed survey and cover letter should be sent to the Executive Director to be forwarded to the Executive Committee.


    The purpose of this Research Policy is to guide the development, conduct, and publication of research associated with MAPA data resources.


    Definition of Research

    For the purpose of this policy, research is defined as a systematic investigation for the accumulation of scientific knowledge.  This policy is in effect whenever MAPA data resources are used for such an investigation.


    Only current MAPA members are eligible to conduct independent research using MAPA data resources.  All research defined by this policy must receive prior approval by resolution of the MAPA board. 

    MAPA shall consider research with the following purposes:

    • Enhancement of MAPA’s evaluation systems
    • Advancement of the physician assistant profession
    • Guidance and promotion of  physician assistant professional development
    • Furthering the body of knowledge related to professional association activities
    • Other research areas as approved by the board

    MAPA reserves the right to set priorities among areas of research interest.

    217.01 Policy

    Policy decisions developed by MAPA are critical to the smooth operation of the Academy and the responsiveness of MAPA to the membership and others. In order to adequately address the variety of issues that impact the diverse membership of MAPA, the MAPA Board of Directors must have a well-defined process for formalizing policy decisions. When possible, this process must include an opportunity for adequate review of the issue(s) and appropriate input from members of MAPA’s membership.

    All policy decisions should be based on a set of overriding principles and guidelines that take into consideration the impact of the issue(s) on the physician assistant profession as a whole. Individual members of MAPA may disagree with the policy developed by MAPA Board of Directors. In such instances, these individuals may inform their Region Representatives of their concern or ask to be placed on the agenda of one of the open MAPA Board of Directors meetings listed on the MAPA website.

    217.02 Procedure

    The proposed overriding principles and guidelines are as follows:

    a.  The proposed policy is in the best interest of improving the patient care physician assistants provide.

    b.  The proposed policy is supportive of the advancement of the role of the physician assistant

    c.  The proposed policy is consistent and supportive of the MAPA Mission Statement.

    d.  The proposed policy is consistent and supportive of the MAPA bylaws

    218.01 Rationale

    In order to ensure the continuous coverage of the Executive Director‘s duties critical to the ongoing operations of MAPA and its services to members and stakeholders, the Board of Directors is adopting policies and procedures for the temporary appointment of an Acting Executive Director in the event of an unplanned or extended absence of the Executive Director.

    While the Board acknowledges that such an absence is unlikely and undesirable, due diligence in exercising its governance functions requires that the Board have an emergency succession plan in place. It is expected that this plan will ensure continuity in external relationships and organizational operations.

    A. Temporary, Unplanned Absence (Short-Term): A temporary absence is defined as an absence of less than three months and one in which the Executive Director will return to his/her position once the events precipitating the absence are resolved.  An unplanned absence is one that arises unexpectedly, in contrast to a planned leave, such as a vacation or sabbatical.

    1. In the event of an unplanned short-term absence, the Board of Directors empowers the Executive Committee of the MAPA Board of Directors to implement the terms of this emergency plan.
    2. In the event of an unplanned absence of the Executive Director the President or highest ranking Board member is instructed to immediately notify the Executive Committee members of the absence.  As soon as feasible, the President will convene a meeting of the Executive Committee to affirm the procedures in this plan and to make modifications, if needed,  as the Committee deems appropriate.                                                   
    3. The Executive Committee may also consider the option of splitting executive duties among designated appointees.
    4. Authority of Acting Executive Director: The Acting Executive Director shall have the authority for decision-making and independent action as did the departing Executive Director with the following stipulations:

    a. Stipulation (if any)

    b. Stipulation (if any)

    1. Compensation of Acting Executive Director: To compensate for the additional responsibilities required of the Acting Executive Director, he/she shall be offered additional compensation for the term of the short-term unplanned absence. Compensation will be in the form of a per diem rate of $_____ for time spent by the Acting Executive Director directly on MAPA business.
    2. Board Oversight of Acting Executive Director: The Acting Executive Director shall report to the

    President (or Board designee) regarding operational issues during the short-term absence of the Executive Director. It is anticipated that reporting will occur frequently (recommended to be weekly) to ensure that the Board is fully informed about matters important to the organization’s stability.

    1. Completion of Short-Term Emergency Succession Plan:  The decision about when the absent Executive Director will return to lead will be determined by the Executive Committee who will mutually decide upon a return to work dates. A reduced schedule for a set period of time may be allowed with approval of the Board.

    B. Long-Term Unplanned Absence: A long-term unplanned absence is defined as an absence of more than three months and one in which the Executive Director will return to his/her position once the events precipitating the absence are resolved. A long-term unplanned absence is one that arises unexpectedly. The procedures and conditions to be followed should be the same as for the short-term absence with one addition:

    1. The Board of Directors will give immediate consideration, in consultation with the Acting Executive Director, to arrange for additional assistance to provide support for the management position left vacant by the Acting Executive Director. This is in recognition of the fact that for a term of more than three months, it may not be reasonable to expect the Acting Executive Director to carry the duties of both positions.

    C. Unplanned Permanent Change in Executive Director: A permanent change occurs when the Board of Directors determines that the Executive Director will not be returning to the position. In this situation, the procedures and conditions will remain the same as for the long-term temporary absence with one addition:

    1. The Board of Directors will appoint a Transition and Search Chair and subsequent Committee within 30 days to plan and carry out a transition to a new permanent Executive Director. The Board will also consider the need for outside consulting assistance depending on the circumstances of the transition and the board’s capacity to plan and manage the transition and search. The Transition and Search Committee will also determine the need for an Interim Executive Director, and plan for the recruitment and selection of an Interim Executive Director and/or permanent Executive Director.

    D. Communications Plan: Immediately upon transferring the responsibilities to the Acting Executive Director, the President or designee will notify members of the Board of Directors and management organization of the transition. The Board and Acting Executive Director shall also communicate the temporary change in leadership structure to the key stakeholders of the organization in accordance with the communication plan below.

    1. Board President     

       a. Notify Executive Committee

       b. Notify Management Organization Leadership

       c. Schedule Board Meeting/ Conference Call 

    2.  President Elect       

       a. Notify Region Representatives

       b. Notify Committee Chairs                                           

    3.  Executive Committee 

       a. Identify Spokesperson

       b. Review Executive Director’s schedule

       c. Assign/ Designate Board members to specific meetings/tasks

       d. Identify leader of search committee for Interim Executive Director

    4.  Board of Directors 

       a. Approve Acting Executive Director

       b. Communicate status change to members and key contacts

    219.01 POLICY
    The purpose of this conflict-of-interest policy is to prevent the institutional or personal interests of MAPA board members, officers, and staff from interfering with the performance of their duties to MAPA, and to ensure that there is no personal, professional, or political gain at the expense of MAPA. This policy is not designed to eliminate relationships and activities that may create a duality of interest, but to require the disclosure of any conflicts of interest and the recusal of any interested party in a decision relating thereto.

    A conflict of interest may exist when the interests or potential interests of any director, officer, or staff member, or that person’s close relative, or any individual, group, or organization to which the person associated with MAPA has allegiance, may be seen as competing with the interests of MAPA, or may impair such person’s independence or loyalty to MAPA. A conflict of interest is defined as an interest that might affect, or might reasonably appear to affect, the judgment or conduct of any director, officer, or staff member in a manner that is adverse to the interests of MAPA.

    A conflict of interest may exist if a director, officer, staff member, or close relative:

    • Has a business or financial interest in any third party dealing with MAPA. This does not include ownership interest of less than 5 percent of outstanding securities of public corporations.
    • Holds office, serves on a board, participates in management, or is employed by any third party dealing with MAPA, other than direct funders to MAPA.
    • Derives remuneration or other financial gain from a transaction involving MAPA (other than salary reported on a W-2 or W-9 or salary and benefits expressly authorized by the board).
    • No personal gift of money should ever be accepted from any third party on the basis of their position with MAPA.

    219.02 Use of Information
    Directors, officers, and staff shall not use information received from participation in MAPA affairs, whether expressly denominated as confidential or not, for personal gain or to the detriment of MAPA.

    219.03 Disclosure and Recusal
    Whenever any director has a conflict of interest or a perceived conflict of interest with MAPA, he or she shall notify the board chair of such conflict in writing.

    Whenever any staff member (paid or volunteer) has a conflict of interest or a perceived conflict of interest with MAPA, he or she shall notify the chief executive of such conflict in writing.

    When any conflict of interest is relevant to a matter that comes under consideration or requires action by the board, or a board committee, the interested person shall call it to the attention of the board chair and shall not be present during board or committee discussion or decision on the matter. However, that person shall provide the board or applicable committee with any and all relevant information on the particular matter.

    The minutes of the meeting of the board or its committee shall reflect that the conflict of interest was disclosed, that the interested person was not present during discussion or decision on the matter, and did not vote.

    219.04 Dissemination
    A copy of this conflict-of-interest policy shall be furnished to each director, officer, planning committee member and staff member who is presently serving this organization or who may become associated with it.

    219.05 Certification
    The policy and its application shall be reviewed annually for the information and guidance of directors, officers, and staff members, each of whom has a continuing responsibility to scrutinize their transactions and outside business interests and relationships for potential conflicts of interest, and make such disclosures as described in this policy.

    As administered by the chief executive, each director will be asked to complete a certification of agreement with the policy and disclosure of any known conflicts of interest upon his or her election or re-election to the board and annually thereafter. As administered by the employee in charge of human resources, each senior staff member will be asked to complete such a certification upon his or her employment and on an annual basis thereafter. All certifications shall be reviewed by the board as appropriate.

    Due to recent events including the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants (MAPA) acknowledges the existence and impact that institutional racism has on the black community. MAPA speaks out against it in all contexts. 

    Institutional racism is not only a justice issue but also a public health crisis. As PAs, many of us work in communities where we deal with these health disparities head on in the care of our patients, family, and self. MAPA strives to stand against these injustices and to support our Black colleagues and patients along with all people of color. 

    So what is MAPA doing about it? We are currently working on putting together a toolkit of resources for our members to utilize while looking to become more versed in the issue of racial justice, equity, and inclusion. We will continue to promote policies and legislation that will improve PA practice laws and reimbursement so that PAs can be better utilized in black communities, and we will soon be forming a Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce to evaluate what MAPA to do to serve both the black members of the PA community and the black patients we care for.

    If you have any feedback or ideas on how MAPA can better serve the Black members of our organization or the Michigan community please reach out to any of the executive committee members as listed below or

    At the March 2023 meeting of the Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants Board of Directors, the Board supported a comprehensive approach to empower PAs and our patients to prevent gun violence. Gun violence is a high-priority public health issue.  We support evidence-based solutions to reduce the risks of anyone experiencing gun violence. The following are specific areas that deserve focus from and support for Michigan PAs.

    In 2022, Over 45,000 people died from gun violence in the United States. This is more than vehicle deaths and similar to the impact of Breast and Pancreatic cancers. Guns are the leading cause of death for children (18 or younger) in the United States. The U.S. experiences a similar size population facing mental illness (~17%) as other developed countries but significantly more gun violence than any other developed country. Gun violence costs $280 billion a year in the U.S.

    Gun violence is preventable. MAPA supports a public health approach to preventing gun violence. This approach includes conducting surveillance to understand causes and success rates of interventions. Identifying risk factors associated with gun violence. Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions to reduce risk factors and build resilience.

    Successful prevention strategies should be institutionalized within the PA practice of medicine.

    Therefore, MAPA supports Michigan PAs committed to preventing gun violence through surveillance, research, education and advocacy. We support Michigan PAs discussing gun violence risks with their patients and providing education to their patients regarding gun violence prevention strategies. MAPA’s Legislative Committee recommends support for evidence-based gun policy changes including but not limited to increasing access to safety devices, stronger enforcement of existing gun laws, and more effective “red flag” laws like Extreme Risk Protection Orders.

    221.01 Background

    221.01.01 Understand The Burden of Gun Violence

    • Over 45,000 people die from gun violence every year in the United States. More than vehicle deaths and similar to the impact of Breast Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer
    • The U.S. experiences a similar size population with mental illness (17%) as other developed countries but significantly more gun deaths.
    • Guns are the leading cause of death for children in the U.S..
    • Gun Violence Costs $280 billion a year in the U.S.. 

    221.01.02 Gun Violence is Preventable (approved March 17, 2023)

    • For example, half of suicides in the United States involve firearms and the firearm suicide rate has increased by 24% in the last two decades. Access to guns can reduce the risk of child and adolescents dying by suicide. 
      •  When a home contains unlocked guns the odds of a child or adolescent dying by firearm suicide is more than twice as high as in households where all guns are locked.12
      • The risk of suicide by gun is more than twice as high in households with loaded guns, as compared to households with unloaded guns.11
      • Storing ammunition together with firearms as opposed to separately also increases the risk of suicide two-fold.11
    • MAPA supports a public health approach to the prevention of gun violence which include
      • Conducting surveillance to track gun-related deaths and injuries, gain insight into the causes of gun violence and assess the impact of interventions;
      • Identifying risk factors associated with gun violence (e.g., poverty and depression) and resilience or protective factors that guard against gun violence (e.g., youth access to trusted adults);
      • Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions to reduce risk factors and build resilience; and
      • Institutionalizing successful prevention strategies.

    221.01.03 What Can We Do?

    • Continued Surveillance, Research and Education
      • Surveillance
      • Research
      • Education
    • Support Our Patients
      • Discuss Gun Violence Risks with Patients
      • Provide Education to Patients re Gun Violence Prevention
    • Support Evidence-based Gun Policies
      • Examples:
        • Increase Access to Safety Devices
        • Extreme Risk Protection Orders
        • Enforce Existing Gun Laws
