Be Part of the 5% Leading Change – It’s Time to Act!

Posted By: Ron Stavale Advocacy, Membership,

Who are the PAs shaping Michigan’s future? You are! We would like to take a moment here to thank  the over 460 Michigan PAs who took the time out recently to make a huge impact in Lansing by advocating for mental health care access. Our voices were heard throughout the halls of our State Capitol, speaking up for all 8,000 Michigan PAs. They proved that just 5% of Michigan PAs can make a difference for 100% of us!

With over 1,000 messages sent to legislators in 2024, House Bill 5114 is on the verge of passing! This bill will recognize PAs and NPs as key mental health providers in Michigan’s Mental Health Code, ensuring our patients have access to the behavioral health care they need. Lawmakers like Rep. Carrie Rheingans, Rep. Laurie Pohutsky, Rep. Reggie Miller, Rep. Julie Rogers, Rep. Kimberly Edwards, Rep. Jenn Hill, Rep. Felicia Brabec, Rep. Curt VanderWall, Rep. Kathy Schmaltz and Rep. Jamie Thompson are standing with us, but we need one final push to get this done.

I understand that this seems like such an arduous process to some, but with your input  this is certainly achievable. House Bill 5114 is in the House of Representatives and they have yet to complete their Fall agenda. With your help we will make a big push to get this bill passed on to the Senate where it has passed unanimously twice.  Remember that our nationally groundbreaking Public Act 379, the first State in the nation to eliminate the terms supervision and delegation, did not pass the legislature until mid December 2016. Your action now can really tip the scale.

This is now the opportunity for the rest of us to make a difference. 10 seconds is all it takes to send a message to your representative. Seriously—just 10 seconds! Click HERE to send your automated email and make your voice heard for our patients and our profession.

Remember, some PAs talk about the challenges in our profession, but others—like you—are out there leading the change. Whether it's fighting for better job markets, your patients, or improved healthcare access, the future is shaped by those who act.

Special thanks to the PAs leading patient advocacy by taking their personal time to maintain  relationships with our legislative champions including psychiatric PAs Alison Badger, Patrick Handlin, Sarah Scantambarlo, and Ken Gorney. MAPA leaders leading our mental health access work include President Becky Cronin, Past-President Michelle Petropolous, Region 7 Rep. Yolonda Freeman-Hildreth, Region 5 Rep. Garrett Smigelski, Past-President Ryan Desgrange, Past-President Brian Gallagher, and Region 3 Rep. Susanna Storeng

Together, we can create a better future for all PAs and our patients. Stay connected with your legislators, thank them for their support, and keep sharing your story.

Let’s make this happen. The power is in your hands you just click HERE!