MAPA's Patient-Led Care Agenda


MAPA's Patient-Led Care Agenda
What's New and What You Can Do

The good news is that Michigan patients love their PA! 92% in fact think Michigan PA practice laws should be updated. That is why we have proposed Patient-Led Care bills. 600+ PAs have since contacted and/or met with their legislators. Now, here is a little history lesson from my 41 years of experience as a Michigan PA.

Based on patient-centered concerns from PAs, MAPA has introduced over 20 legislative bills improving Michigan PAs ability to care for our patients. In 1998 when we fought for, and won the ability to use controlled medications despite opposition from all three Michigan Medical Societies. Yes, for those who are newer to the PA world, for over 20 years after legislation allowing PAs to practice medicine in 1976, Michigan PAs were not allowed to use controlled medications at all in our practice settings, whether it be in the hospital or the clinic! Since then we’ve grown from having the delegated ability from physicians in writing, to now where Michigan PAs are independent prescribers. How did that happen? Michigan PAs became involved by talking with their colleagues, physician partners and the legislators who make decisions on PA practice ability.

In October of 2023 MAPA introduced our Patient-Led Care bills which contained 4 bills that will be decided on in the 2023-2024 legislative session. If the bills are not passed this year, we will have to start over in 2025. 

House Bill 5114, improves our ability to care for our patients in psychiatric crises by listing PAs as Mental Health Providers. The bill passed through the House Health Policy Committee and the Behavioral Health Sub-Committee without opposition. Michigan PAs & NPs have since faced extreme attacks by the Michigan Psychiatric Society and former Lt. Governor Brian Calley.

No opposition testimony was presented in committee but last minute accusations by Calley put pause in some of the legislator’s minds. He has not been one to let the facts get in his way. This was enough to hold off the vote and delay much needed access to mental healthcare. Just to remind you, this same bill unanimously passed the Michigan Senate in 2019 and 2022, only to be held in the House of Representatives by Calley citing unsubstantiated emotionally charged allegations to sway the Republican House leaders.

MAPA was able to change the practice milieu for Michigan PAs regarding controlled medication prescriptive ability in 1998 even with the opposition of all 3 of the prominent Medical Societies. Looking back, doesn’t the fact that it was illegal for Michigan PAs to use any controlled medications and that all physician societies opposed that ability seem absolutely absurd now?

Flint native and PA Taneisha Franklin has worked with the Flint Courier newspaper article in order to be sure her community is represented in this important discussion. Residents of Flint have faced some of the most severe challenges accessing mental health care amidst other public health crises. Hurley Hospital, for example, rarely has a psychiatrist at the hospital while Franklin was treating her patients in the E.R. Join Taneisha and other PA patient advocates who are sharing their experience with policymakers and media. Our patients continue to suffer because these Mental Health Code updates have not yet been signed into Michigan Law.

Here is how we get HB 5114 passed!

  • When asked to; you and your physician partners write, call or email your Representatives when requested by MAPA. 30 seconds is all it takes. HERE is the call to action for HB 5114. It automatically populates the email to your State Rep with a message that you may edit. Our Legislators need to hear from us because we take care of your patients who are their constituents!
  • Talk about the bill with your colleagues, especially physicians, and share the Call to Action link with them too. Physician support is needed because their patients also suffer from lack of mental healthcare. HB 5114 is supported by the Michigan Osteopathic Association, the Academy of Family Physicians, and the Michigan Society of Addiction Medicine.

Your patients need you now! Without YOUR individual support all of MAPA’s efforts on your patients behalf will fail! Don’t let that happen! Let’s improve our ability to care for our patients! Be Part of The Change!